Marker Genesis is a feature provided by the Marker developer tool that allows for easy setup of Atlas blockchain test networks and tasks related to the test network.
The main advantage of Marker Genesis over previous solutions is that it can create a genesis.json file where all the core contracts have already been deployed.
For instructions on how to use the Marker tool, please refer to here.
Generating the genesis.json file
git clone
cd atlas/marker/config
vim markerConfig.json
First, you need to configure the markerConfig.json file with the account information as shown above.
Address: The account address that will be registered as a validator in the validator set. SignerAddress: The signer address, which is authorized by the account address, is used to represent the validator and reach consensus with other nodes on the Atlas network. ECDSASignature: The ECDSA signature result of the signer address for the account address. PublicKeyHex: The public key of the signer address. BLSPubKey: The BLS public key of the signer address. BLSG1PubKey: The BLS G1 public key of the signer address. BLSProofOfPossession: The BLS signature data of the signer address and the account address.
Regarding PublicKeyHex, BLSPubKey, and BLSG1PubKey, please refer to here for how to obtain them. For information related to ECDSASignature, please refer to here. For information related to BLSProofOfPossession, please refer to here.
Next, you need to compile your atlas-contracts project. We need the bytecode of the atlas-contracts to generate the genesis.json file. Please refer to here for information on this part.
Then perform the following steps:
$ ./marker genesis
--buildpath: buildpath is the path to truffle compile output folder.
--newenv: the genesis.json will be generated under this folder
--markercfg: this your markerConfig.json path default to
marker genesis --buildpath /home/atlas-contracts/build/contracts --markercfg /home/atlas/marker/config/markerConfig.json
The above command will generate a genesis.json file in the current directory. You can use this genesis.json file to initialize an Atlas validator node. Like this:
./atlas --datadir ./node-1 init ./genesis.json
Another way is to copy the alloc information from genesis.json to the core/chain/genesis_alloc_mainnet.go file, replacing mainnetAllocJSON. Then recompile the code using make atlas.
Here we recommend the first method because you can customize the parameters you want by modifying the genesis.json file, such as changing the chainId. And this method is less prone to errors.