
关于 validator 的注册、注销等介绍。


Register a new validator. Through this command, we will transfer your Commission, ecdsaPublicKey, blsPublicKey, blsG1PublicKey, and BLSProof to the management contract to manage and secure your assets. Your ecdsaPublicKey, blsPublicKey, and BLSProof will be obtained through the specified keystore. The ECDSA public key that the validator is using for consensus should match the validator signer and be 64 bytes in length. The BLS public key that the validator is using for consensus should pass proof of possession and be 129 bytes in length. The BLS G1 public key that the validator is using for consensus should be 129 bytes in length. The BLS public key proof-of-possession consists of a signature on the account address and is 129 bytes in length.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • commission: The commission rate for the validator's rewards. The commission parameter is set relative to 1000000, with a range from 0 to 1000000. If you want to set the commission rate to 15%, you need to set this parameter to 150000 (150000/1000000=15%). This attribute is one of the reference objects used by voters when voting.

./marker register
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--commission 0.1



To quickly register a new validator, you can use the quicklyRegister command, which integrates the createAccount, lockedMAP, and register commands.

Please note that you can only use this command once. Regardless of the success or failure of the command, it includes the operations corresponding to the createAccount and lockedMAP commands and does not have the feature of being reusable.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • commission: The commission rate for the validator's rewards. The commission parameter is set relative to 1000000, with a range from 0 to 1000000. If you want to set the commission rate to 15%, you need to set this parameter to 150000 (150000/1000000=15%). This attribute is one of the reference objects used by voters when voting.

  • lockedNum: The amount of MAPO tokens to be locked in order to register as a validator.

  • signerPriv: The private key of the signer account.

./marker quicklyRegister
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--commission 100000
--signerPriv 842e1d8a93b4e46104da96676066ddb0973c63ec80a15746856c046dd4a1004c
--lockedNum 1000000



The deregister command is used to unregister a validator. You must be a validator to use this command.

The contract has a minimum time requirement to become a validator (default is 60 days). To deregister a validator, you must have exceeded this time.

To prevent malicious resource occupation during the deregistration process, we will put your deregistration request in a pending state and execute batch deregistration at the last block of the epoch.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

./marker deregister
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15



If you deregistered your account in a specific epoch, you can use the revertRegister command within the same epoch to restore your validator status.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

./marker revertRegister
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15



Call this method before becoming a validator.

If you need to authorize another account to perform on-chain consensus operations instead of using the validator account, you can call this method to grant authorization. This allows another account to perform on-chain consensus operations.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • signerPriv: The private key of the signer account.

./marker authorizeValidatorSigner
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--signerPriv   842e1d8a93b4e46104da96676066ddb0973c63ec80a15746856c046dd4a1004c   

INFO [05-30|13:41:55.131] === authorizeValidatorSigner === 
INFO [05-30|13:41:55.140] TxInfo                                   func=sendContractTransaction  TX data nonce =3  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =214
INFO [05-30|13:41:55.141] Please waiting                           func=getResult                 txHash =0x6ccc9758199c105c2b8eb9f9807b553baaa9062ec871a1fc47f3866a4a1e8d49
INFO [05-30|13:42:03.231] Transaction Success                      func=queryTx                  block Number=37


Generate an ECDSA signature signed by the signer account, which has signed the validator account.

Parameter description:

  • signerPriv: The private key of the signer account.

  • target: The address of the validator account you want to sign.


INFO [05-30|13:41:55.131] === ECDSASignature === 
INFO [05-30|13:41:55.131] === signer ===                           account=0x05D0CFd882185dEB9b3E0eA7872Ad332acB9E31d
INFO [05-30|13:41:55.131] ECDSASignature                           result=0x6dcec34a67a3388b6fbf93ad48f88aa88c0ce46789de0f9e042acbe6e116c97f26d645652576a65602ed97f7ca16f890898b8e761de3edc34447edb2e41713ad01


Generate a BLSProofOfPossession signed by the signer account for the validator account.

Parameter description:

  • signerPriv: The private key of the signer account.

  • target: The address of the validator account you want to sign.


INFO [05-30|13:52:40.371] === makeBLSProofOfPossessionFromSigner === 
INFO [05-30|13:52:40.375] === pop ===                                result=0x1417ef1814518ade2af0e52ce7a11bcf834bba5ac42f91f3a1229c072721bb1b0c82513600690ebc0244572dd459d280abd6c14c0fc4837fa06335c88457a402


Query the validator account that has authorized the target signer account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • target: The address of the signer account.

--keystore ./UTC--2022-05-11T03-31-08.562982000Z--6621f2b6da2bed64b5ffbd6c5b2138547f44c8f9
--target "0x05D0CFd882185dEB9b3E0eA7872Ad332acB9E31d"

INFO [05-30|13:52:40.371] === signerToAccount === 
INFO [05-30|13:56:05.126] signerToAccount                          authorizingAccount=0xa88cF1842AC49A22435D6B4e4c1d8782e3C29EfE


Generate a proof using the signer private key.

Parameter description:

  • validator: The address of the validator account.

  • signerPriv: The private key of the signer account.

./marker generateSignerProof 
--validator 0x73bc690093b9dd0400c91886184a60cc127b2c33 
--signerPriv 040939e5...604b6f25

INFO [08-26|17:32:23.950] generateBLSProof                         validator=0x01ccDcd1aE63a2C6B4c3493983dc6400C63729Ad signerPrivate=040939e5...604b6f25
INFO [08-26|17:32:23.955] === makeBLSProofOfPossessionFromSigner === 
INFO [08-26|17:32:23.958] generateBLSProof                         proof=0xf90149b8...0e56f0ab1


Call this method before becoming a validator.

If you need to authorize another account to perform on-chain consensus operations instead of using the validator account, you can call this method to grant authorization. This allows another account to perform on-chain consensus operations.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path of the keystore file.

  • signer: The address of the signer account.

  • signature: The ECDSA signature generated using the makeECDSASignatureFromSigner command.

./marker authorizeValidatorSignerBySignature 
--keystore ./account.json 
--signer 0x26654eb0bb935dce4a34daa3e14c67662a8aa1f8 
--signature 0x59dff185...32f0d700

INFO [07-08|14:55:00.015] authorizeValidatorSignerBySignature      signer=0x26654eb0bb935dce4a34daa3e14c67662a8aa1f8    signature=0x59dff185...32f0d700
INFO [07-08|14:55:00.032] Please waiting                           func=getResult                 txHash =0xb73a1376e661d523e44b87c37e2e03cc36534d3a550808245f263aaad358b0ad
INFO [07-08|14:55:05.078] Transaction Success                      func=queryTx                  block Number=16


Register a validator using the proof generated by generateSignerProof.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be either the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path of the keystore file.

  • proof: The proof generated using the generateSignerProof command.

  • commission: The commission rate for the validator, expressed as a ratio relative to 1000000. The range of the commission parameter is from 0 to 1000000. If you want to set the commission rate to 15%, you would set this parameter to 150000 (150000/1000000=15%). This is one of the parameters that voters consider when voting.

./marker registerByProof 
--keystore ./account.json -
--proof 0xf90149b8...0e56f0ab1 
--commission 150000

INFO [08-26|17:32:25.055] registerValidatorByProof                 commission=150,000
INFO [08-26|17:32:25.548] === getTotalVotesForValidator ===        admin=0x73bc690093b9dd0400c91886184a60cc127b2c33
INFO [08-26|17:32:25.974] === getTotalVotesForValidator ===        result=0
INFO [08-26|17:32:26.011] TxInfo                                   func=sendContractTransaction TX data nonce =7  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =1,098,789
INFO [08-26|17:32:26.119] Please waiting                           func=getResult                txHash =0xfb0487e7196df7489e90ab91217251da5fc7d07b2bc2d2f4ea67966a506a4cd6
INFO [08-26|17:32:27.241] Transaction Success                      func=queryTx 

Last updated