integration of MAP with TON Network

Ton Network message out

Call message out

slice bridge_addr = <bridge address>;
;; message out body
cell body = begin_cell()
    .store_uint(0x136a3529, 32) ;; op::message_out
    .store_uint(0, 64) ;; queryId
            .store_uint(0, 8) ;; relay, 0 or 1
            .store_uint(0, 8) ;; msgType, 0 for message or 1 for calldata
            .store_uint(56, 64) ;; toChain, eg. 56 for bnb
            .store_slice(begin_cell().store_uint(0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8, 512).end_cell().begin_parse()) ;; targetAddress
            .store_ref(begin_cell().store_uint(1, 8).end_cell()) ;; payload, custom data
            .store_uint(200000000, 64) ;; gasLimit

;; internal message
cell msg = begin_cell()
    .store_uint(0x18, 6)
    .store_coins(50000000) ;; 0.05 TON for fees
    .store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1)
  • relay indicates whether message processing is required on MAP Relay Chain.

  • msgType indicates different message, MESSAGE or CALLDATA.

  • target is the contract address where the message will be executed upon reaching the target chain

  • payload is the data intended for cross-chain transmission.

  • gasLimit is the maximum gas limit allowed for execution on the target chain.

Message to Ton Network

Sending a omni-chain message to TON is the same as sending messages to other chains. You can directly encode the assembled MessageData and then call transferOut to send the omni-chain message. It is essential to ensure that the message data payload is a message that can be recognized by TON.

    bytes memory messageData = abi.encode(MessageData({}));
    function transferOut(
        uint256 toChain,
        bytes memory messageData,
        address feeToken
    ) external payable returns (bytes32);

Here, toChain is the TON Network chain id:

  • mainnet: 1360104473493505

  • testnet: 1360104473493506

Execute on Ton Network

On ton network, will send an execute message to the target contract.

    .store_uint(1, 64) ;; from chain id
    .store_uint(56, 64) ;; to chain id
    .store_slice(sender_address) ;; sender address
    .store_uint(2, 256) ;; order id
    .store_ref(begin_cell().end_cell()) ;; message

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