
This article will introduce the features of creating an account, locking MAPO, and various query interfaces.


Create an account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • name: The name of the account.

./marker createAccount
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--name "validator"


Lock MAPO for voting or registering validators.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • lockedNum: The amount of MAPO to be locked.

./marker lockedMAP
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--lockedNum 1000000


Unlock MAPO, which can be redeemed after the lock period.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • lockedNum: The amount of MAPO to be unlocked.

./marker unlockMap
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--lockedNum 1000000


Relock MAPO that has been unlocked but not redeemed.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • lockedNum: The amount of MAPO to be locked.

  • relockIndex: The index of the request to be redeemed, obtained through the getPendingWithdrawals command.

./marker relockMAP
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--lockedNum 100000
--relockIndex 1


Redeem MAPO that has passed the unlock period.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • withdrawIndex: The index of the request to be redeemed, obtained through the getPendingWithdrawals command.

./marker withdrawMap
--keystore ./UTC--2021-09-08T08-00-15.473724074Z--1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
--withdrawIndex 1


Get the number of registered validators.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

./marker getNumRegisteredValidators --rpcaddr


Return the top N validators in the validator set.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • topNum: Specify the number of top validators to query.

./marker GetTopValidators
--topNum 6

INFO [03-14|17:04:48.606] === getTopValidators ===                 admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:04:48.636] Validator:                               index=0 addr=0x1c0eDab88dbb72B119039c4d14b1663525b3aC15
INFO [03-14|17:04:48.636] Validator:                               index=1 addr=0x16FdBcAC4D4Cc24DCa47B9b80f58155a551ca2aF
INFO [03-14|17:04:48.636] Validator:                               index=2 addr=0x2dC45799000ab08E60b7441c36fCC74060Ccbe11
INFO [03-14|17:04:48.636] Validator:                               index=3 addr=0x6C5938B49bACDe73a8Db7C3A7DA208846898BFf5


Return the list of all eligible validators and the number of votes they have received.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

./marker getTotalVotesForEligibleValidators

INFO [03-14|17:06:13.020] === getTotalVotesForEligibleValidators === admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:06:13.049] Validator:                               addr=0x1c0eDab88dbb72B119039c4d14b1663525b3aC15 vote amount=70,350,500,000,000,000,000,000,000
INFO [03-14|17:06:13.049] Validator:                               addr=0x16FdBcAC4D4Cc24DCa47B9b80f58155a551ca2aF vote amount=70,322,500,000,000,000,000,000,000
INFO [03-14|17:06:13.049] Validator:                               addr=0x2dC45799000ab08E60b7441c36fCC74060Ccbe11 vote amount=70,322,500,000,000,000,000,000,000
INFO [03-14|17:06:13.049] Validator:                               addr=0x6C5938B49bACDe73a8Db7C3A7DA208846898BFf5 vote amount=70,322,500,000,000,000,000,000,000
INFO [03-14|17:06:13.049] Validator:                               addr=0x81f02Fd21657DF80783755874a92c996749777Bf vote amount=32,968,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


Get the total number of votes received by all validators.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

./marker getTotalVotes

INFO [03-14|17:07:24.458] === getAccountLockedGoldRequirement ===  admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:07:24.487] result                                   getTotalVotes=315,096,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


Check if a validator is eligible for receiving votes.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the validator to query.

./marker getValidatorEligibility
--target 0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15

INFO [03-14|17:10:27.990] === getValidatorEligibility ===          admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:10:28.018] === result ===                           bool=true


Get information about a specific validator.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the validator to query.

./marker getValidator
--target 0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15

INFO [03-14|17:12:22.303] === getValidator ===                     admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.332]                                          ecdsaPublicKey=0x2b5e2a3beacf839d1ec74fd00f4388d4b813eac26b26ab4859003473b286650a
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.332]                                          BlsPublicKey=0x1fd39f1fbcad8e3188442ea31dee662389599751f8e73b99215cefc2e0003f81
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.332]                                          Score=1
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.332]                                          Signer=0x1c0eDab88dbb72B119039c4d14b1663525b3aC15
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.332]                                          Commission=0.1
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.333]                                          NextCommission=0
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.333]                                          NextCommissionBlock=0
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.333]                                          SlashMultiplier=1
INFO [03-14|17:12:22.333]                                          LastSlashed=0


Return the reward information for the previous epoch of a validator.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

./marker getValidatorRewardInfo --rpcaddr

INFO [03-14|17:13:42.872] === getReward ===                        cur_epoch=389 epochSize=20 queryBlockNumber=7760 validatorContractAddress=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000D012 admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:13:42.874]                                          validator=0x1c0eDab88dbb72B119039c4d14b1663525b3aC15 reward=19,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
INFO [03-14|17:13:42.874]                                          validator=0x16FdBcAC4D4Cc24DCa47B9b80f58155a551ca2aF reward=19,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
INFO [03-14|17:13:42.874]                                          validator=0x2dC45799000ab08E60b7441c36fCC74060Ccbe11 reward=19,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
INFO [03-14|17:13:42.874]                                          validator=0x6C5938B49bACDe73a8Db7C3A7DA208846898BFf5 reward=19,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
INFO [03-14|17:13:42.874]                                          validator=0x81f02Fd21657DF80783755874a92c996749777Bf reward=9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999
INFO [03-14|17:13:42.874] === END === 


Get the pending vote count from a specific account for a specific validator.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystoreAddress: The address of the account.

  • target: The address of the validator to query.

./marker getPendingVotesForValidatorByAccount 
--keystoreAddress 0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15 
--target 0x51e297bae83b653405ec44cb8dd28792e5510083 

INFO [10-10|23:14:22.329] === getPendingVotesForValidatorByAccount === admin=0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
INFO [10-10|23:14:24.944] PendingVotes                             balance=0


Get the active vote count from a specific account for a specific validator.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystoreAddress: The address of the account.

  • target: The address of the validator to query.

./marker getActiveVotesForValidatorByAccount 
--keystoreAddress 0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15 
--target 0x51e297bae83b653405ec44cb8dd28792e5510083 

INFO [10-10|23:14:58.531] === getActiveVotesForValidatorByAccount === admin=0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15
INFO [10-10|23:15:01.851] ActiveVotes                              balance=100,000,568,936,610,167,111,833


Retrieve the pending votes and corresponding epoch for a specified account on a specific validator.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystoreAddress: The address of the account.

  • target: The address of the validator to query.

./marker getPendingInfoForValidator 
--keystoreAddress 0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15 
--target 0x51e297bae83b653405ec44cb8dd28792e5510083

INFO [03-14|17:20:49.046] === getPendingInfoForValidator ===       admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [03-14|17:20:49.074] getPendingInfoForValidator               Value=0 Epoch=0


Get the list of validators voted for by a specific account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the account to query.

./marker getValidatorsVotedForByAccount 
--target 0x51e297bae83b653405ec44cb8dd28792e5510083

INFO [10-10|23:32:20.130] === getValidatorsVotedForByAccount ===   admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
INFO [10-10|23:32:23.092] validator                                Address=0x51E297bAE83b653405ec44Cb8DD28792E5510083


Get the total amount of locked MAPO for a specific account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the account to query.

./marker getAccountTotalLockedGold \
--rpcaddr \
--target 0x51e297bae83b653405ec44cb8dd28792e5510083

INFO [10-10|23:38:02.825] === getAccountTotalLockedGold ===        admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 target=0x51E297bAE83b653405ec44Cb8DD28792E5510083
INFO [10-10|23:38:05.419] result                                   lockedGold=1,152,952,667,878,467,847,105,123


Get the total amount of non-voting locked MAPO for a specific account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the account to query.

./marker getAccountNonvotingLockedGold \
--rpcaddr \
--target 0x51e297bae83b653405ec44cb8dd28792e5510083

INFO [10-10|23:40:16.854] === getAccountNonvotingLockedGold ===    admin=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 target=0x51E297bAE83b653405ec44Cb8DD28792E5510083
INFO [10-10|23:40:19.401] result                                   lockedGold=0


Get the amount of pending MAPO withdrawals for a specific account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the account to query.

./marker getPendingWithdrawals
--target 0x1c0edab88dbb72b119039c4d14b1663525b3ac15

INFO [03-14|17:33:18.696] === getPendingWithdrawals ===            admin=0x1c0eDab88dbb72B119039c4d14b1663525b3aC15 target=0x1c0eDab88dbb72B119039c4d14b1663525b3aC15
INFO [03-14|17:33:18.724] nil 


Transfer MAPO from one account to another.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • target: The address of the recipient's account.

  • amount: The amount of MAPO to transfer.

./marker transfer \
--rpcaddr \
--keystore /Users/alex/data/keystore/UTC--2022-05-31T03-33-25.405082000Z--3b778bb4f460956e313ba92484eb84603a86a625 \
--target 0x7cc3e34c2075d96ef69bf6445a234f6c5e244073 \
--amount 10

INFO [08-30|10:56:11.048] Tx Info                                  func=sendContractTransaction from=0x3B778BB4F460956E313Ba92484Eb84603A86a625 to=0x7cC3e34C2075D96ef69bF6445a234F6C5E244073 value=10 nonce =1  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =212
INFO [08-30|10:56:11.144] Please waiting                           func=getResult                txHash =0x55beb566d735e7b46e61d85f23e52b0958777ba4bbd2332244b3a2e5eb22e137
INFO [08-30|10:56:12.234] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-30|10:56:13.328] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-30|10:56:15.748] Transaction Success                      func=getResult               number=668,236
INFO [08-30|10:56:15.748] transfer success                         from =0x3B778BB4F460956E313Ba92484Eb84603A86a625 to=0x7cC3e34C2075D96ef69bF6445a234F6C5E244073 amount=10


Get the metadata URL for a specific account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the account to query.

./marker getAccountMetadataURL \
--rpcaddr \
--target 0x82965be3c2784edca8ad4472c80ffbe44404da49

INFO [10-10|23:50:02.275] get account metadata url                 address=0x82965bE3c2784eDcA8ad4472c80FfBe44404Da49 url=


Set the metadata URL for a specific account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • target: The address of the account.

./marker setAccountMetadataURL \
--rpcaddr \
--keystore /Users/alex/data/keystore/UTC--2022-08-26T10-59-01.086763000Z--ef021f15d188ad28625517a8d73cd20ce743a32d  \

INFO [08-30|11:09:53.016] set account metadata url                 address=0xeF021f15D188ad28625517A8D73CD20cE743a32D url=
INFO [08-30|11:09:54.678] Tx Info                                  func=sendContractTransaction from=0xeF021f15D188ad28625517A8D73CD20cE743a32D to=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000d010 value=<nil> nonce =5  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =20212
INFO [08-30|11:09:55.092] Please waiting                           func=getResult                txHash =0xde15a1daee5e74c183f759c00cf51ba09c31c76c01362a25e2020b1c04fa9f7d
INFO [08-30|11:09:56.508] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-30|11:09:57.926] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-30|11:09:58.350] Transaction Success                      func=getResult               number=61898


Get the name of an account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • target: The address of the account.

./marker getAccountName \
--rpcaddr \
--target 0x5d643dfb9ae372ce4fdbc80890156e2cd8290846

INFO [10-10|23:52:46.084] get name                                 address=0x5d643Dfb9ae372ce4Fdbc80890156E2CD8290846 name="MAP Protocol#1"


Set the name for an account.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • name: The name to set for the account.

./marker setAccountName \
--rpcaddr \
--keystore ./UTC--2022-08-26T10-59-01.086763000Z--ef021f15d188ad28625517a8d73cd20ce743a32d \
--name "so cool validator"

INFO [08-31|15:16:07.006] set name                                 address=0xeF021f15D188ad28625517A8D73CD20cE743a32D name="so cool validator"
INFO [08-31|15:16:09.039] Tx Info                                  func=sendContractTransaction from=0xeF021f15D188ad28625517A8D73CD20cE743a32D to=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000d010 value=<nil> nonce =10  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =20212
INFO [08-31|15:16:09.448] Please waiting                           func=getResult                txHash =0x046ee71f161c06d34c4eb13ed9c536e909da152d9ca4036ccb240ae1ab23cb7f
INFO [08-31|15:16:10.983] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-31|15:16:12.517] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-31|15:16:14.048] Please waiting, Transaction is in pending status func=getResult
INFO [08-31|15:16:17.024] Transaction Success                      func=getResult               number=82133


Add a validator commission update request to the queue. If there is an existing update request, it will be overridden.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

  • commission: The commission rate for the validator, expressed as a ratio relative to 1000000. The range of the commission parameter is from 0 to 1000000. If you want to set the commission rate to 15%, you would set this parameter to 150000 (150000/1000000=15%). This is one of the parameters that voters consider when voting.

./marker setNextCommissionUpdate \
--rpcaddr \
--keystore ./UTC--2022-08-26T10-59-01.086763000Z--ef021f15d188ad28625517a8d73cd20ce743a32d \
--commission 300000

INFO [09-01|14:17:15.746] === setNextCommissionUpdate ===          commission=300,000
INFO [09-01|14:17:17.644] Tx Info                                  func=sendContractTransaction from=0xeF021f15D188ad28625517A8D73CD20cE743a32D to=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000D012 value=<nil> nonce =14  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =20212
INFO [09-01|14:17:18.062] Please waiting                           func=getResult                txHash =0xcb72b1a5055b290712a5f8e72a4bc60028b144ebea92c12637315891874ab8bf
INFO [09-01|14:17:20.911] Transaction Success                      func=getResult               number=98706


Update the commission based on the previous update request in the queue. This operation can only be executed after 2000 blocks have passed since setNextCommissionUpdate was executed.

Parameter description:

  • rpcaddr: The address of the RPC service, which can be the provided RPC service address or your own RPC service address.

  • keystore: The path to the keystore file.

./marker updateCommission \
--rpcaddr \
--keystore ./UTC--2022-08-26T10-59-01.086763000Z--ef021f15d188ad28625517a8d73cd20ce743a32d

INFO [09-01|14:18:15.648] === updateCommission === 
INFO [09-01|14:18:17.303] Tx Info                                  func=sendContractTransaction from=0xeF021f15D188ad28625517A8D73CD20cE743a32D to=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000D012 value=<nil> nonce =15  gasLimit =4,500,000  gasPrice =101,000,000,000  chainID =20212
INFO [09-01|14:18:17.717] Please waiting                           func=getResult                txHash =0x4f252120cc61e27d72d47e6f6a9dd732bb9aa319937b94fdb602c6c93feb4c83
INFO [09-01|14:18:20.536] Transaction Success                      func=getResult               number=98718

Last updated